大学院生,博士研究員(学振PD, RPD),実験補佐員 募集中!
当研究室にご興味をお持ちいただいた方は,秋元までご連絡ください (Contactタブをご覧ください).
*前人未到のユニークな科学研究の遂行により得られる研究能力と専門性 (高分子,ハイドロゲル,表面/界面,細胞外マトリックスなど)
*国内外の研究者らとの異分野融合共同研究を通して得られるコミュニケーション能力 (英語コミュニケーションを含む)
Graduate students, postdoctoral fellows (JSPS PD, RPD), and laboratory assistants are available!
If you are interested in our laboratory, please contact Assoc. Prof. Akimoto (see Contact tab). Please come and visit our laboratory!
For students:
When conducting research activities in our laboratory, it is more important to have curiosity and to communicate with people from different fields (even if you are not a good communicator, I will follow up with you) than to have a good academic record or a background in your field.
If you meet these criteria, you will be able to acquire the following skills through our laboratory activities.
*Problem-solving skills acquired through a series of experiences in the research process, such as hypothesis, experiment, discussion, and presentation of results.
*Research ability and expertise obtained through the execution of unprecedented and unique scientific research (polymers, hydrogels, surfaces/interfaces, extracellular matrices, etc.)
*Communication skills (including English communication) acquired through interdisciplinary joint research with domestic and international researchers.